Republican News

Trump Embarrasses Dems With Startling Footage He Just Released Of Obama and Clinton

President Donald Trump has managed to do something which many presidents before him have promised to do, but never really had the courage to.

He declared Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and is planning to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv, precisely to Jerusalem. Many radical Muslims and liberals are condemning his decision, calling it “reckless” and “counter productive”.

After he made the announcement about his decision, President Trump shared a video on his twitter account featuring previous president promising to do exactly the same. Among them, President Bill Clinton, Bush and Obama.

Despite the fact that our President and the nation of Israel are committed to finding a peaceful solution to the problem, it looks like the Palestinians are completely disinterested in peace. They are determined to never recognize Israel’s right of existence.

Image result for Trump Embarrasses Dems With Startling Footage He Just Released Of Obama and Clinton

On the issue of what part of Jerusalem is going to be the capital of Israel, Trump said, “We are not taking a position of any final status issues, including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders. Those questions are up to the parties involved.”

Unfortunately the British Prime Minister was not satisfied with this explanation, calling his decision  “Unhelpful in terms of prospects for peace in the region.”

However, Theresa May and many, cannot understand that the Palestinians are not interested in peace. They want to kill the Jewish people and destroy Israel.

The French President, Emmanuel Macron and the German Chancellor are all against President Trump’s decision. The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that by declaring Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the United States has officially changed its position and  is no longer a mediator in this peace process.

Saeb Erekat, the person ahead of the Palestinian negotiation team says, “President Trump just destroyed any policy of a two-state solution.” Abbas and Erekat should recall their history. They could have had their own state years ago, but they just can’t let facts get in their way of their agenda, to get rid of the Jews and wipe Israel off the Earth.

During his statement President Trump said, After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result.”

Thousands of times, the Palestinians have made it clear that they don’t want peace. They have forced Israel to go back to pre 1967 borders. In 2008 they were offered by the Israeli Prime Minister, 93% of the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and 5.5 % land in exchange for the land Israel would keep inside the West Bank.

Mahmoud Abbas rejected this proposal, sying , “The Israeli proposal is not acceptable. The Palestinian side will only accept a Palestinian state with territorial continuity, with holy Jerusalem as its capital, without settlements, and on the June 4, 1967 boundaries.”

Interestingly, nowhere in the peace process Palestinians demand land from Egyptians of the Jordanians. Even though they have more than plenty to give. The truth is Palestine was never a country to begin  with and the only reason they are so persistent now is so they can push Jews into the sea.

The world needs to understand that peace here is not an option and a two state solution will never be achieved. All because the Palestinians are against it. They are against peace, and are cheering only for death and destruction. The only reason they want Jerusalem is because it is important to the Jews.

Israel doesn’t exactly have the perfect record but, it has always attempted to find a peaceful solution. What Palestinians need to understand is that they will never have an independent state because Israel is never going to go back to its borders before 1967.

They have used up their chances.

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