Republican News

Triggered Millennials Give a Startling Ultimatum To Anyone Who Continues To Call Them “Snowflakes”

According to Millenials, being called a snowflake is very damaging to their health. Recent figures show that young adults believe the term “snowflake” is unfair and can lead to very damaging mental issues. The controversial term took off during the 2016 presidential election and was used to describe the millennial liberal generation. Almost three-quarters of 16-24-year-olds surveyed believe the moniker is unfair and are adamant it could negatively affect their mental health.

It’s not surprising that young adults would claim they are being damaged by a simple term. As a matter of fact, snowflakes are having trouble even coping with taking exams at school.

A Growing number of ‘snowflake’ students are appealing for special exemptions after missing essay deadlines or exams – because they overslept or were ‘stressed out’ by the tests.

Students are able to plead with an official panel of academics to be allowed more time to finish work or retake an exam or stage of a course if they can show ‘extenuating circumstances’ such as illness or serious personal problems.

But figures obtained from Freedom of Information requests show that the numbers of such appeals are rising dramatically – and academics say undergraduates are playing the system.

It’s scary to think that in just a few more years, these same people who are so fragile will be leading the world. If they are having difficulties now, just wait until they graduate from college and are faced with real stress.

According to Telegraph:

The “snowflake generation” is a disparaging term now commonly used to refer to young people, who are perceived to be over-sensitive and intolerant of disagreement.

But research by insurance firm Aviva found that 72 percent of 16-24 year-olds think the term is unfairly applied, while 74 percent think it could have a negative effect on young people’s mental health.

The figures also show that young people are more likely to have experienced stress, anxiety and depression in the last year.

Almost half of adults between 16 and 24 said they had experienced stress or anxiety, compared to just over a third of all UK adults.

Young adults were also more likely to be uncomfortable talking about a mental health problem, with one in three saying this compared to 27 percent of all adults.

13 percent also said they were experiencing a problem but had not sought help, compared to seven percent of all adults.

Young adults and mental health

Concern Young adults UK Adults
Uncomfortable telling people about a mental health problem 33% 27%
Experiencing a mental health condition but haven’t sought help 13% 7%
Experiencing a mental health condition but do not believe they’re receiving the right treatment 15% 10%
Experienced stress in the last year 45% 37%
Experienced anxiety in the last year 46% 35%
Experienced depression in the last year 39% 30
Young adults = 16-24 // UK Adults = 16 and over

The firm’s medical expert, Dr. Doug Wright, said the term could cause problems. “Our findings suggest that young adults are more likely to be experiencing mental health problems, so using a phrase which criticises this age group could add to this issue.

“Any term used disparagingly to a segment of the population is inherently negative.

“While young adults, in particular, appear to take offense to the ‘snowflake’ label, the majority of adults agree that the term is unfair and unhelpful, so it’s important that people consider how such labels are used, and the cumulative effect they could have on their recipients,” he said.

The phrase, which originated in America, has particularly come to refer to universities and students who use “trigger warnings” to alert readers or listeners to potentially distressing material, and “safe spaces”, which are meant to be free of certain opinions or ideas.

It is also used to imply that young people are less resilient than older generations and quicker to take offense.

It is thought to originate with US author Chuck Palahniuk’s 1996 book Fight Club, which contains the line “You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake”.

In an interview earlier this year he took credit for the term, adding: “My friends who teach in high school tell me that their students are very easily offended.”

If you happen to be an adult who is so easily damaged by the term “snowflake” and you need a “safe space,” you have failed to be a productive member of society. During your life, there will be many challenges to overcome, and there will be no “safe spaces.” Adversity is a part of life, and you can either roll over and give up or fight for what you believe in, and grow as an adult.

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