Republican News


We use “hypocrite” a lot around here, but no other word better describes many liberals — and Michelle Obama is definitely worthy of the label after voicing her latest opinions.

Michelle actively attacked Trump for his “locker room comments,” claiming she “doesn’t know any men who brag.” She seems to have completely forgotten about the rappers SHE invited into the White House. “Men brag, and she is telling people that she doesn’t know men who brag. You know the people that have been to the White House?” Rush Limbaughsaid on his Thursday show.

Forgive our language, but men who write lyrics about having sex with their b*tches and hos aren’t exactly modest. And those lyrics were sung IN the White House — performed specifically for the former first lady.

Not only did Michelle ask these men to perform their raunchy rhythms for her perverted enjoyment — she bestowed honors upon them!

To say that she’s “never heard” men brag at this point is utterly ridiculous. Not only has she heard male bragging — she’s ENJOYED it. We can’t even count how many videos we’ve seen of the former first lady getting her groove on to rap music.

“Yeah, I guess Michelle Obama wasn’t there when the Rev. Wright was talking about Bill Clinton,” Rush went on to say. “You remember what Rev. Wright said about Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky? … ‘And Bill and Monica Lewinsky was riding dirty. Yeah, chickens have come home to roost, baby.’ ‘Bill was riding dirty,’ and the population, the congregation went nuts.”

As Rush so aptly pointed out, not only has Michelle heard male bragging via her musical preferences, but she’s heard it in CHURCH. Or did she choose to skip out that particular day?

Michelle has gone on to say that these men, and even a few females with a passion for dirty lyrics (Beyoncé), are ROLE MODELS.

For Michelle Obama to be actively attacking President Donald Trump over comments he made over a decade ago and then claiming she’s “never heard” such language being used by men is a completely blatant lie. And her self-righteous pearl-clutching isn’t fooling any of us!

Many of the rappers Michelle places on a pedestal have actually been convicted of sexual assault crimes whereas Donald Trump’s record is clean.

Michelle is not only a hypocrite in the highest degree — she’s a pervert, in regard to her own so-called values. As a Christian and an “activist” against such poor behavior, one would think she would be vehemently against the actions of these men, not praising them and inviting them to perform!

Michelle Obama was a disgrace during her time in the White House, and she remains so to this day. She tainted the walls of our government institution with her sick preferences, but Rush Limbaugh and We the People are NOT letting her get away with it!

What do you think about Michelle’s outlandish claim that she’s “never” heard male bragging? Share this post on Facebook and let us know because we want to hear YOUR voice!

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