Republican News

BREAKING: Tillerson Goes Head-to-Head With McCain, DESTROYS Him With 1 Sentence

John McCain has proven to our country time and time again why he is incompetent. All that you need to do is listen to him speak for a couple of seconds, and you will get the gist. Rex Tillerson was having NONE of his nonsense!

Washington Times reported that it all started when McCain attempted to make everyone believe that Tillerson was hurting EVERYONE’S feelings and needed to stop. McCain quoted these mystical “oppression policies,” and eventually, Rex had enough. His reply shut down McCain; “You don’t know what you’re talking about, John.”

We think that this response by Rex is PERFECT. Essentially, John was saying that Tillerson was passing policies that were meant to be for transactional purposes, instead of what felt good deep in your heart. In his piece, McCain wrote, “Tillerson [has] sent a message to oppressed people everywhere, ‘Don’t look to the United States for hope.’”

Here is the problem. We are not the international Super Friends. In the United States, we don’t have an unlimited amount of space, resources, and time. PRIORITIES MUST be set. If priorities are in place, it would only make logical sense that we would help the people HERE before we would work on helping everyone else in the world.

McCain honestly believes that we need to go on a mission to help everyone else in the world and let everyone here suffer. It is odd; his feelings and emotions only kick in once he is speaking about outside of the U.S. border.

There is a reason that Tillerson is on Trump’s Cabinet. On that same note, there is also a reason why the only time McCain has a voice that can be heard is when he is writing trash that passes for New York Times opinion pieces.

We are not surprised that McCain is still trying to push his agenda through. He may have run on the Republican ticket, but make no mistake; he is a liberal in right-wing clothes. Most people who took the time to read through some of the things he has stated in the past agree that it couldn’t be any clearer.

Look at this recent argument for an excellent example of his values. He is critiquing the Republican party for putting our country first! Ironically enough, one of his slogans when running for president was “Country First.” It sure doesn’t look that way now!

He has what can only be called “imposter syndrome.” Don’t let him fool you; Rex obviously didn’t.

It is going to be interesting to see if McCain is going to formulate a rebuttal to Tillerson’s single sentence. Personally, we doubt it. It is going to end up lost in the mix when he comes out for his next attack against a policy or person who makes his poor feelings hurt. We don’t have TIME or RESOURCES to take care of everyone outside of our country.

We need to get everything in good shape HERE first. You cannot do 15 million things at once and expect to be successful. The fact that he thought his critique was accurate is laughable. If it were up to McCain, he would probably kick everyone out of their homes here and move in people from other countries that “deserve nicer things.” What a JOKE!

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