Republican News

After Learning Congress Is EXEMPT From Obamacare, Mike Pence Issues Ultimate Threat…

The fact that Congress (and Congressional staffers) are exempt is likely to be a bitter pill to swallow for most Americans. A nation that is based on equality under the law that allows an elite group to side-step pernicious policy is not only unconstitutional, it’s just plain wrong!

VP Mike Pence is furious that Congress thinks they can impose laws on us, whilst being exempt themselves. He said: “That’s pretty typical of Washington, isn’t it? You, more often than not, see one set of rules for the American people and another set of rules for the political class here in our nation’s capital. but as we move forward, the point is that whether the president makes a decision, it would be his decision whether to rescind that special treatment for members of Congress and their staffs.

And this is absolutely the right track! It is very easy for the Establishment to sit in their high towers and cast laws (or fail to repeal) laws that hurt the average American. They need to be in the trenches with the rest of us. Only then will they truly realise the damage that these policies cause.

Obamacare failed because it did not provide “choice”. And with a lack of choice comes a lack of control. Personal Responsibility is the watchword of every patriot…We need o be able to control our own futures.

Vice President Mike Pence is fed-up with Obamacare — and he’s threatening to take away Congress’ special healthcare, giving them all a taste of how destructive the “Affordable Care Act” really is.

On Wednesday, in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, Pence was asked specifically about how Congress is exempt from the Obamacare.

Carlson asked, “Why should Members of Congress and their staffs have a better deal, not subject to the same rules as everybody else is?”

The Vice President responded with this:

“That’s pretty typical of Washington, isn’t it? You, more often than not, see one set of rules for the American people and another set of rules for the political class here in our nation’s capital. but as we move forward, the point is that whether the president makes a decision, it would be his decision whether to rescind that special treatment for members of Congress and their staffs.

He went on to say, “What we want is a health care system that works for all of the American people.” Pence explained that one element of health care reform should be cheaper coverage. “I think the primary goal first is to give people freedom over their own health care choices again,” said Pence.

Pence said that the Trump administration intends to keep its promise to repeal and replace ObamaCare. Watch the interview here:

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